Sunday, February 14, 2010

Where we love is home...

"Where we love is home, 
home that our feet may leave, 
but not our hearts."
-- Oliver Wendell Holmes 

Today I am feeling genuinely grateful that this is now where I love, and where I love together with so many others.

Here is where I love my puppy Gus, who is celebrating his first birthday today.

Gus looking out the living room window, watching his neighbors.

Here is where I love my neighbors.

Holly and Dareeona writing Valentines for our neighbors.

Da'Sean and Holly delivering Valentines to our neighbors.

Chunk Chunk reading the Valentine she just received.

Mr. Dennis spotting Holly on the monkey bars at the park.  
Mr. Dave surprising Holly with a Valentine's bear. 

Here is where I love my confidante and closest collaborator, Tim.

Here is where I love my little 1920’s Spanish eclectic house.

Here is where I love the magical, overgrown hibiscus in my backyard.

 Yes, this most certainly has become my home.

Happy Valentine’s Day.  

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